I’m afraid you’re mistaken.

“I’m a reasonable person and I try to judge people objectively and leave my own biases aside. If others don’t see it the way I am seeing it, they are clearly biased and lack proper judgement”.

“I saw it with my own eyes, so it must be true”

“I have always been a [choose your political party] voter, the [opposing party] are naive, ignorant and unrealistic”

Sounds familiar? We have all been there a million times, and will no doubt continue to assume that people who disagree with us must be ignorant, biased, or irrational. Naive realism, as is the official term in psychology, is the cause of many misunderstandings and conflicts. Those involved are almost always absolutely unwilling to consider an alternative perspective. Wars have and are being fought, in part, due to this very nincompoop way of seeing and relating to the world.

Naive realism will not only start wars, but will also make it difficult to reach a compromise or a resolution in conflicts. Mutual understanding and constructive dialogue flies right out the window.

Contemplate this:

You see a banana which, in your eyes, looks just perfect. It has a nice rich yellow colour, with just a few brown spots starting to show through. This banana looks perfectly ripe, not too much and not too little. This is your interpretation of this banana at this moment in time.

Someone else, however, might see the same banana at the same moment in time and judge it to still have a tinge of green and to be under-ripe .

A third person might judge the same banana at the same moment in time to be overripe with the peel starting to brown.

Same banana, different interpretation.

Know Thyself

https://psycnet.apa.org/search/display?id=6f99baaf-b201-e868-6f1a-2a5d582ab70b&recordId=8&tab=PA&page=1&display=25&sort=PublicationYearMSSort%20desc,AuthorSort%20asc&sr=1: I’m afraid you’re mistaken. https://dictionary.apa.org/naive-realism: I’m afraid you’re mistaken. https://www.psychology-lexicon.com/cms/glossary/47-glossary-n/13296-naive-realism.html: I’m afraid you’re mistaken. https://www.thebehavioralscientist.com/glossary/naive-realism: I’m afraid you’re mistaken.