Know Thyself
Do you feel like you’re surrounded by idiots?
You are!
The person who wronged you, offended you or blamed you was an idiot. The individual who acted based on previous assumptions was an idiot. The character who acted based on past life traumas was an idiot. The chap who wasn’t paying attention to their surroundings was an idiot. The somebody who acted based on their own insecurities was an idiot. The guy/gal who acted purely out of self preservation was an idiot.
Now, stop for a moment and think how many times you have been an idiot without thinking or realising it.
Now, imagine a world where everyone recognises their own and others idiocy. How would such a world look?
A world where it is easier to forgive others because they were just being an idiot. A world where those who are so quick to declare their own superiority, will think twice when they’re called out for what they really are. A world where there are no rigid hierarchy because at the core we are all idiots. A world where those who live only for their own gain are laughed at for being idiots.
Can you imagine the changes it would bring, if such an ideology started permeating throughout society. We believe it would be place where we can all finally relax, take off our masks and stop feeling inferior or wronged.
If you can, then we welcome you with open arms. Welcome to a world that finally will start to make sense. Welcome to NINCOMPOOP.
Nincompoop can undo the naivety of Liberalism,
the indulgence of Socialism,
the rigidness of Communism,
the cruelty of Fascism,
the indifference of Capitalism,
and the meanness of Populism.
D. Elder